Meeting Complex Needs and Earning Trust
The Nippon Koshuha Steel Group has a long history in Japan as a leader in the business of specialized steels, and has worked hard to stay ahead of the competition through the development of new products and technologies. Group companies possess expertise in a broad spectrum of industrial production that includes tool steel, special alloys, bearing steel, castings, metal molds and tools, and distribution, all of which enjoy high customer acclaim.
It goes without saying that upholding the overall strength of a Group such as this takes both passion - a passion for our business, passed on through the generations - and the combined input of each of our employees.
In order to continue meeting the ever more sophisticated needs of customers amid changes in the economic environment, the Nippon Koshuha Steel Group concentrates its resources in selected fields. Through an ongoing shift to higher value-added product areas, we will further boost our technical competitiveness while continuing to strengthen our corporate position.
Specialized steel products are fundamental to so many industries, and our role as a major supplier is likely to grow even more important in the future. Our approach will always be focused on working in harmony, and developing together with individuals, communities and the global environment. Through our wide-ranging business operations, we at the Nippon Koshuha Steel Group aspire to play our part as good corporate citizens and retain the trust of society at large.